About Us

Who We Are

We at Alpha Boost are dedicated to empowering men to reach their peak performance, both physically and sexually. We pride ourselves on deeply understanding the unique needs of our clients, providing tailored solutions that help them achieve optimal health and wellness. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our proactive approach to customer engagement, ensuring every interaction is geared towards understanding and fulfilling the individual goals of those we serve. At Alpha Boost, we are not just a service; we are a partner in the journey towards achieving and maintaining the highest standards of health and vitality.

Meet Our Doc

Meet Dr. Sonia Salgado at AlphaBoost!
Dr. Salgado is a board-certified physician specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She brings her expertise to AlphaBoost, where she is dedicated to providing top-notch care for her patients.

Dr. Salgado is certified in Biote® Hormone Pellet Therapy and excels in rejuvenation therapies, including peptides, exosomes, Botox, and fillers. Her commitment to enhancing health and well-being ensures that you receive the best possible care.

Discover the many benefits of our services and learn more about our dedicated staff at AlphaBoost. We are here to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

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